You can reach us at
We will respond to most queries within 6 hours, and to all queries within 24 hours.

You can contact our grievance office, Rohit Bhaskar on email on support@elevarsports.comWe’re happy to give you advice on products, chat about sports in general, or answer any other questions you may have.

Address: Elevar Sports Pvt. Ltd., F1C, 5th Floor, Jash Chambers, Sir P.M. Road, Fort Mumbai MH 400001 India


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Track Your Order

You can track your order on this link Track My Order. Also you can check your email for the tracking link or contact our customer support at

Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions about your product, order tracking, returns or anything else? We've got you covered. Click the link below to go through our detailed FAQ's.

Delivery & Shipping Policy

We ship your product the next day after your order. Free shipping happens over ground and so depending on where you are located, it can take anywhere from 5 to 7 business days to reach you.

Returns & Exchanges

Not happy with a product you've received? No worries! We offer a Free 7-day Trial Policy. Exchanges of Products will be accepted only if they are returned in their original state as shown on the photos uploaded in the return request and within 7 days of purchase. Click the link below to start a return process for your order.